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    BOO HOO!!
    today got dental the person look soo scary. look lyk one blue
    after went dental went escape theme park with ping yi.
    went i go there i saw jillian and her friends. then we all started to play together.
    i played the pirate ship 4 times. roller coster 3times rainbow 3 times 360 degree thing 1 time n the flying thing 1 time. i vomited after taking the rainbow and the pirate ship.
    i took too much liao. then bcame dizzie. oh ya i went into haunted house. they nvr change the place oni put new stuff.
    damn tat place damn boring already. after tat i went follow ping yi eat then went to mac donald follow ping yi buy water then go hm. soo sad when i go in the bus i want to cheak time then i notice i cnt find my hp. i PANIC!!!!
    WALAU!!! I WANT TO KILL MYSELF i keep losing things.
    damn my parents nvr scold hang lah... hahaha.

    i didnt blog for quite some time.
    i went my cuz house. i went jurong point.
    my auntie bought me a myuk pencil box.
    damn the pencil box is damn nice. hahas
    then my auntie nearly bought me the wallet then ot was out of stock soo sad sia.
    she wanted to buy fo me sooo much.
    i damn bored at home.
    today go skool got NE thing. soo boring the video make me sleep.
    lolz then they always give break. then after the video we do out racial harmony project then we dunno do wat trail thing then go foyer do the worksheet of the skool history. copy copy damn lazy do.
    then we had lunch. we eat nasi briani. we all were ask to use hands to eat. n they didnt ask us to use plate use banana leaf.
    i wast feeling lyk eating. then some of the boys got some lesson fron vidya and rachel how to use thier hands to eat bcause they look soo weird using thier hands to eat.
    then vidya and rachel was lyk shouting at each other i was stuck in the middle. -.-'
    then we do batik painting. it was okok. quite fun.
    then got another break.
    eat eat eat eat. but i took the smaller cake. hahas
    then do stuff. n more stuff.
    i lazy sae. hahas.

    1st day of the holiday kinda boring though fun.
    today went shopping with my mom and brother. i bought.
    levis jeans and shirt. billabong bag and addidas slipper.
    i treat all tat as a bday present.
    lols. im soo happy i got my new bag. though i already miss all my friends.
    i dunno y i am sayin this I WANT TO GO BCK SKOOL.
    i feel soo weird saying this. and i wish i could go to the clik 5 concert. i damn bored i thing through the june holiday i wold hav nth to put on blog. haiz love holiday oh hate holiday.
    i keep watchin tv.
    i have not drink coke for soo long.
    i dunno wad to sae liao.

    last day of school. YEA!
    got alot of homework. :((
    haiz. hist go watch A SERIES OF UNFORTUNATE EVENT.
    then during recess i dun want go cantenn.
    nw dazes not in the mood to go canteen.haiz sick for dunno how many daze
    haiz my father ask wat i want for my bday then i sae haven think yet.
    but i really dunno leh?
    wad to do?
    math period go comp lab. can play comp but oni for a while :((
    then need go class go clean up. the girls no need do anythink. hahas.
    the boys go do all the cleaning.
    Miss Gan sae they all do cleaning as punishment.
    hahas. gd fo eu boys.
    then after school went 7-11
    went until 1.20.
    ten late for dance tried to go in by the bck gate then close. -.-'
    then need go down again then mus walk to the front gate.
    haiz soo tired then reach skool my bag wasnt at the foyer then go hall. then i call Agnes she was aat the canteen then go dowm again.
    Me and Wen Yao was lyk soo tired.
    then we all walk. then we all went up again to the class room.
    damn the classroom damn dirty. worst place ever. worst then the music room soo dirty.
    haiz then cca finish at 3.30
    Wen Yao needed to run 30min. then teacher went home the they all dun care.
    the after change lyk 4.10 lyk tat.
    then me and wen yao talk girl talk.
    talk talk talk. then rajid came. spoil
    then he damn loaded lah. sae he go wad country lah. haha
    then melcia came then we all went wanted to go mc donald then i went jollibean but food then went mc donald. then i go home.
    soo borin today. everyone no mood n nw im broke soo sad. hahas
    love eu girls fot yesterday.




    i was happy today. best day ever.

    came in the morning then rachel woo, gracie,vidya melcia and yao yao gave me present.

    i was blush. i was like...ermm..lost of words liao.

    then when morning assembly Vidya go tell Mr Lai today my b'day i was lyk VIDYA!!

    hahas. then in class melcia go tell Mr Lai n sabo me


    then Mr Lai was lyk ask the class who haven give the travel form thing then he was lyk i got an announcemrnt i was lyk ermm........

    then he ask the class do you knw whos b'day iis today i was lyk MELCIA!!.

    lol. then melcia sae eu knw hu sabo you i was lyk you izit.

    then i was like laughin.


    then i was lyk damn ps leh. -.-'

    then during recess melcia brought me i box full of sweet. it was lyk a dream camo true. i was soo full eating the canddy.CANNDY!!!!

    then me n may stay bck didnt went to the canteen then we all played with the bear.

    hahas. we called it chocohollic jr.

    it was soo cute.

    then ml class haziqah n rachel was lyk saboing me. lol

    then pc period was lyk REPORT BOOK.

    i was lyk wth.

    i got 24th place. eng make my overall fail damn lah then my percentage was 61.1

    soo i can et higer placin damn eng.

    then my mommy came to school

    then during choral reading the tacher oso wish me happy b'day.

    then mrs raj oso wish me happy b'day.

    den the choral reading mus do props then we all make hats then mayb at vidya blog got the pic.

    then our hats were all soo uniqe.

    then we all were lyk taking picture all this stuff

    bear stuck under table. :))

    melcia with chocohollic jr:))

    chocohollic jr kena billie HELP. lols JKJK.

    chocohollic with may :))


    almost forgot may got shocked by chocohollic jr.

    all i got.:)

    bear is from melcia, yao yao, vidya.

    kat deluna cd from Haziqah.

    pouch from Rachel Woo.

    candy keychain from gracie.

    box got sweet but eat it hahas from melcia.

    card with 13? is from vidya. it is the perfect card.

    turtle leychain fang chen.

    bear keychain fang di.

    wow tats alot hahas.

    the words are very nice.

    it saes:


    Happy Birtday To You!

    Hope AL your Wishes come true!

    We all Love you Loads!<3

    Smile and Laugh always ok? :DD

    Just remember that we are all always right here,beside you,whenever you need us whether it is ups or downs!

    Wen Yao, Melcia, Vidya

    n dun forgot today man united won champion leauge n david cook won american idol damn best day ever.

    no more daze:))

    yesterday nvr blog. soo tired.
    i yesterday slept at 8.30 pm. soo dmn early
    then yesterday got bowling kinda fun lah.
    the part whe theu teach lyk make us look damn weird.
    then i think we lft bout 45min to play.
    then we all play.
    mel went 1st. then vidya then rachel woo then me then amna.
    everytime i bowl got 8
    my score was 8,8,8,8,7,9,X
    when i got 7 i was lyk at last nvr get 8 then suddenly got 9 then i was lyk walau lyk tat anaother eight.
    then after tat vidya ask melcia if she could bowl 4 her. then she got strike. we were lyk. VIDYA!! YOU GOT STIRKE.
    then my turn was lyk left 1min. then i quickly bowl i got strike. then i got strile. i was lyk damn happy but they couldnt count my score bcause the bloody machne shut down. soo pissed.
    i dunno to get angry or happy but i was laugin.
    then everytime we lyk nvr hit the pins, we were lyk doin action. each of us got differet action. soo cool. n they keep laugin at it.
    then got 1 time when vidya bowldamn funny me n melcia were lyk laugin non-stop.
    soo sad nvr get to bowl with gracie. :((
    then today in class daren n gracie were lyk fightin. soo entertaining.
    i lyk it when ppl fight. lols.
    then the idiot lai wang go take my hp during recess.
    damn you!!
    then art time the teacher freaking pissed off.
    damn her!! go n die lahs.
    i drew stick person of her n a gun pointing at her. n i said at the paper dead teacher.
    then math go computer lab. while going up daren keep calling me extra.
    i was lyk shut up!
    then i sae i am seeing one retarded person.
    then go computer lab do wad thing.
    i was smsing.
    then eng mrs raj nvr come.
    yea but soo bored.
    then after school me, mel,yao yao,gracie and ping yi went novena. go eat there.
    then buy bubble tea then gracie the pearl went in her thoat without sollowing. i was lyk .hahas
    then during eating melcia was lyk laugin n eating then cnt sollow then we all still make her laugh more.
    then after tat she sae y arh with 1e1 ppl we all always laugh together. with 1e2 ppl nth one. then gracie sae we all united or something then i sae ping yi 1e2 wad. the gracie sae she not laugin wat i was lyk oh..
    then we all went toa payoh. then saw hiram. then w all go sae HI.
    soo weird.
    then we all go walk then i was lyk dihydrating then i sae i wan go mc donald buy coke then yao yao sae no you mus buy pplain water then i buy loh.
    it taste soo weird i am not goin to drink too much coke any more.
    then we all go walk walk. then i felt lyk vomiting. i was lyk dizzie.
    haiya then i sae can go library i wan go rest there.
    then i go play comp there. stupid comp cant blog there then gracie can blo at the other comp soo pissed.
    then we all go home ping yi the house look damn big then the bus stop lyk damn near. then i bring yao yao go near the bus interchange. i wait far my bus lyk wad sia i take the bus earlier then yao yao. then yao yao reach home earlier then me. hate the place where i stay soo far leh.
    but i oso lyk bugis mahs can go shopping every day. yao yao was lyk i nvr go bugis for 2 wks already then i sae i go everyday. hahas.
    i cnt wait 4 tmr. MY BIRTHDAY!!.
    but damn lah report bk on my bday then my mom need come skool bcause i fail eng. damn lah. thne got the election thing. lah. then got choral reading. then i dunno lah still got somemore stuff.
    yao yao tmr mus come skool my bday leh. waiting 4 soo long.
    damn my throat.
    make me vomit. y mus i always b sick. keep coughin. damn ps eu knw coughing in class.
    haiya wad to do every time get sick.
    girls eu dun give my present tmr nvr i dun care bcause i feel soo bad when ppl give me present n dun sabo me tmr.

    yesterday went to east coast for BBQ.
    stay there until 12a.m. went walking from outwardbound to near the jetty there. then me my cuz n brother went walking then one of my other cuz was lyk stoking us. then my cuz said wad bout we hide in a bush or something. then they saw a dark place in between two trees. then they ask us to spuad there then my other cuz sae that we all look like drug addics that the police caught us. i was like lol. it was pathetic.
    then we all walk back then it was lyk soo far.
    then go rest for a while. then went to the water breaker. my cuz keep sayin ice breaker. then when i want to sae water breaker i oso keep saying ice breaker. i blamed her. hahas.
    then at bout 11p.m we all went to the nearest water breaker. stay there for 1 hr then need go hm. accually didnt went home went to my cuz home at woodlands but need sent my grandma 1st.
    reach my cuz house at 1a.m
    then have midnight snack.
    then me n my bro still got tym to watch tv. sleep at two then today woke up early again to go hm.
    kena sai. soo buzy lately.

    hey juz came bck.
    in singapore time, nw is saturday,11:03pm.
    today woke up early juz to go to bendermeer sec.
    got fair.
    i still haven finish the coupon. left $12.
    soo wasted. but got nth to do
    saw some of my friends.
    soo shockin.
    then i went to bugis. accually i went there at 9a.m
    then i went help ping yi go peirce her ear. the sound still freak me out.
    then my two frinds see kim n fang chen go but me bday present. they ask me to choose then i go sae it mus b surprise.
    then they go ask me go out of the store.
    i lazy take picture if eu wan to see it juz ask me. i will sure let eu see.
    though it was small it was expensive.
    lols soo bad rite.
    then when i got home i went to my cuz house strait away.
    soo tired still got time to go on9.
    i can live without my comp.
    nw im still pissed off nt with my marks but something.

    i juz nw got my marks.
    soo sad failed eng.
    by half.kena sai
    then my mom need to come to skool on my b'day.
    then on my bday got alot of things happening.
    report bk, meet parent, election, enrichment class then dunno lah got alot more. i want to cry!!!!
    i fail eng by HALF MARK.
    i wanna die
    at least i pass can already.
    but i need eng to pass to go 2E.
    i am soo pissed off today want to knw why juz ask me i dun wnt to type her. too pissed off already.
    i duncare already.
    i oni can sae _*6moredaze_

    today cant put the vidya pic. :(( *sob sob*
    my bro go bring ppl to his rm n the cable to my whone in the rm.
    taday my science paper got mistake.
    then from 65.5 to 64.5 to 65.
    hahas soo lucky juz B3.
    i was soo happy.
    if not i would b very very pissed. the rest of the time was boring
    then duing pc period, Mr lai ask us to do do sitting arrangement for the class.
    i hope he take grace sitting arrangement it is soo cool.
    ya i almost forgot, today got photo taking, i stand in the middle row right in the middle. *hate being tall*
    the hiram stand behind me. he look like giand. *no offence*
    the the fun shot melcia almost pull aron down hahas. then that hiram keep dunno do wad with his tie.
    then today got the choral reading thing.
    today was not soo boring kinda ok.
    then rachel woo was angry a rajid for callling her rachel womb.
    it was soo funny tat me n vidya was lauging until vidya choke. hahs
    i dunno wad to sae already.
    i will get the best present ever. REPORT BOOK

    cant blog yesterday bro took the mouse. =.='
    but yesterday nt tat fun until after all the skool n enrichment classes.
    but during pe the teacher came. soo strict.
    den always scoled my class. dunno lah she can die. then today scoled the class again.
    nt happy sey lah.
    then i got my result damn low sia.
    dnt: sure A1
    damn all my marks soo low.
    n my bday coming.
    no present.
    no comp.
    soo pissed.
    then enrichment class soo boring wasting money oni. wasted.
    the teacher no fun.
    then vidya make cheer for wen yao yesterday. they all make cheer wan. i took picture
    but lazy put hahas.
    tmr will put
    i boring liao.
    i want to cry but laugh.

    the picture 4 yesterday.
    my bro is in it.
    eat alot.

    then today got the science thing. then we needed to make a paper mobile thing.
    i took a picture secreatly.
    hahas. it look so wierd.
    it did not balance. -.-'

    it look soo weird rite.
    hahas. then we all were lyk laughin at it.
    n soo frustrated.
    then after tat we all make soap.
    i got bullied by the boys. :((
    they go blame me n make fun of my name. soo pissed.
    then i wasnt listening. soo boring loh but quite fun. hahas.
    then recess time i juz notice i nvr bring my P.E t-shirt.
    then i went buy sapphire. they all so ask me to buy.
    expt graie she go sae i look better in emerald. i agree.
    but i still buy sapphire. make them happy lah. hahs
    then the antie got no change for $50. then ent all around to ask for change.
    then i sae nvrmind lah after shool buy.
    then got change. i got a picture tat wen yao took dunring recess.
    ah soh lok weird. no offence.

    hahas. then go bio lad to experiment to c got diabeties or not.
    then the teacher sae giv us hamters urine.
    the he show us the jug.
    i was lyk OMG.
    there was soo much. then we do all the stuff lah.
    lazy to sae.
    then we go watch movie. it was soo pathetic.
    then i go sms in class.
    Yu Liang eu soo bad take pic of ppl sleeping.
    tats all.

    yesterday didnt go bowling. :((
    my cuz bluff me. -.-'
    hahas but today is mothers day.'my family go out n eat a big feast.
    there was soo much food.i even eat shark fin soup.
    n more.
    i nw lazy to put pic but tmr i will.
    tmr is monday again.
    im gonna get the monday blues. hahas
    i lazy to type somemore.

    hey today at home for the whole day i think.
    i think mayb today or tmr go bowling to celebrate the end of EXAM. YEA!
    but i dunno goin or nt it depends on my brother. i dunno his exam finish or nt.
    go n die lah him.
    but everytime i go bowling will go home at 12a.m or 1a.m
    shiok sia go bowling until at nigh.
    i forgot to tell eu yester go watch movie i kena choke by popcorn again. 2nd time go watch movie kena choke.
    dun dare eat popcorn already. but will eat wan.
    im bored at home.
    i hope can go bowling. hahas.
    today wake up at 1p.m
    exam make me soo tired.
    hahas. yesterday sleep for a while. then ask my mom wake me up at 11p.m nvr wake me up. very sianz.
    then i go sleep for 14 hours. -.-'
    got nth to sae already.

    today last exam.
    DAMN ART! waste time oni make my hand pain.
    when i was doin art i draw then eraser suddenly fell lucky the eraser was cut into 2 then no one go take the eraser. nvr help me.-.-'
    then Mr lai took it and ask ppl. but i keep quite. hahas.
    after skool go bugis.
    melcia having fun.

    gracie n debbie very shy. lol
    eu two not fun.


    then after that we went go eat at food junction. we dont lyk the food then we mix it.
    i dunno wat they mix 1st. then...

    melcia 1st put the noodle in the soup.
    pasta mix with cucumber then dunno wat lah.

    then put the noodle which was mix with soup
    mix everything with the soup.

    all done. hungry??

    then after tat go watch we watch speed racers

    dont b scared of the camera.


    the movie.
    during the movie we all keep laughin n making alot of noise.
    then the ppl behind us keep 'shh...' then we all keep laughing. n more laughin.
    the show for me qiute boring but gracie sae the show okok.
    the show soo long 2h30min.
    then after tat we go bugis street.then got nth. then go funan eat again. hahas.
    we all keep eating n eating. nvr stop.
    we all went out the whole day.nw we all tired.
    today is SEE KIM B'DAY.
    hahas. MONTH MAY babies rocks.

    today got dnnt paper.
    oni go skool for 1 hr. then go hm.
    during dnt, vidya got nth to do then took her pens n do my name with it.
    i was lyk -.-'
    lucky nvr kena caught. hahas.
    i reach hm at 9.30a.m
    no one on9!!
    soo lonely!!
    eating pizza hahas.
    lolz tmr ART. can go n die lah.
    mus have art exam one wasting of time oni.
    _*14 more daze*_

    hey today dun wanna talk bout exam.

    talk bout goin out.


    today me, wen yoa, gracie, melcia and vidya went out to eat.

    then while eating, we talk alot nonsense n funny thing.

    we suddenly talk bout exam. we all sae wat subject we are all gonna fail.

    i said math, mly and english.

    wen yao said math. i think

    then gracie said everything.


    ME: mt,math,eng

    wen yao: mt?

    ME: yupp. mt.

    wen yao: ??

    wen yao: you take chinese?

    all of us:of course not..something like that ..

    so ya ..after that mel remembered vidya burping..then suddenly she choked ..

    then she was like..grace garce..and somemore she was pointing at her back.

    .so funny..then she was like i'm choking..

    vidya and yoayao laugh until can cry...haha so fun...can't wait fo friday going out with then to bugis...


    tats all to sae.

    see you tmr girls.

    evil twin rmb to buy voodoo doll with me.


    left DnT, MLY paper 2, Science and ART
    yea exam gonna finish in 3 days time.
    i love it.
    damn still need to do exam.
    i gt nth to sae for today tats y soo short. hahas(:
    SEE KIM'S B'DAY in 3 DAZE time n
    _*16 more daze*_

    cant blog EXAM.
    dunno how i get time yo blog.
    hahas. on saturday i went cruize.
    hahas soo scary. though soo cool
    but the food on the cruize not nice sia.
    but it was soo expensive.
    go out for the whole day. nvr even study for math or literature.
    on sunday, my mom force me to study soo sianz.
    but thestudying help today but math was soo hard. i was in a hurry until i forget to bring my wallet, my handphone and my calculator kena sai.
    i panic even my devilish two-horn senior cant lend me i was soo angry.
    i nerly went late to school took taxi go skool. wasted $5.
    then literature exam my hand numb sia write soo much. hehe
    after skool went AMK hub. go take ez-link. kena sai got primary skool one.
    then, baught handphone caver and voodoo dool. it looks soo sute.
    i got a name for it du wanna tell eu find out eurself. hehe.
    tats all need to study.
    ya lyk tats goin to happen.'-.-


    now daze i blog on alternate daze as exam is here DAMN

    hahas Yesterday was KYLIE BIRHDAY. sry kylie i didnt give ue ay comment bcause i was out the whole day.

    N today is FANNY BIRTHDAY.



    my birthday is oso comming.

    mus give my present. JKJK oni LOLS.

    today history exam damn the paper was DAMN hard. n somemore i did nt even study or revise.

    i was lyk panicking.

    then while doin the paper Mrs Tay keep goin to the class without knocking the door i was lyk getting a heart attack when she came in.

    then while doin there was this bird which keep making a damn very irritating noise i was lyk trying to kill myself. i couldnt even concentrate.

    then after history got ML listening. it was okok. though harder den PSLE.

    after skool me, Wen Yao and Melcia whet to bugis as Wen Yao wanted to buy shirt and i wanted to take my new specs.

    my specs is green colour.

    very nice

    then after tat went to AMK HUB there make our EZ-LINK card then we wait 4 lyk half an hour. then we didnt make our card as we hav no picture stupid lah.


    then after tat we took the mrt then we took pictures.

    got nth to do while waiting 4 mrt we took picture of out shoe.

    Top Left: Wen Yao. Top Right:Melcia. Bottom:Mine

    Shoe In Starz. (:

    then after tat we took mrt back to novena. then wewent eating at square 2 we didnt knw there was a food court there. then Wen Yao did not want to eat the chicken as Melcia talk abt the liver all this stuff. hehe

    walau my leg was damn pain when i came home. lolz